Amurika's Greatest Blog

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I don’t know how my simple dailykos post got turned into an argument about-

  • Whether we should have gone to war with Afghanistan

  • Whether we should have gone to war with Iraq

  • Whether the Iraq war was legal

  • Whether the no fly zone around Iraq was sanctioned by the U.N.

  • Whether the Geneva conventions and UN charter consider this war illegal

  • Whether the UN is corrupt or not
I am also not interested in talking about any of those things. I’ve just read all 50 of the comments that are so far in here.

How DARE you.

How DARE any of you tell me that when I speak the simple truth, that I’m being offensive and I should delete my diary out of respect for the dead. Let me tell you about offensive.

In the last five years, I have seen everything I know about my own country undone right before my eyes. I was taught to believe that no one is above the law, even the president.

I was taught that we have a representative republic where our leaders are elected in a fair election.

I was taught that our country liberated the oppressed. I was told that the holocaust could never happen again.

I was taught to believe that America is the greatest country in the world, that we are the freest country, that people abandon other countries just for a chance to make it in America. The American Dream.

Now five years after Bush stole the presidency, the American Dream has been choked, punched, pissed on, waterboarded, and had its balls electrocuted until it admitted to being a terrorist, and then it died.

I’ve seen TWO elections where there was glaring evidence of massive vote-rigging, and not a single investigation. Not a single one!

Do you know how fast the government investigated the NASA shuttle exploding? Or how many congressional hearings there were on baseball player steroid use? THAT is offensive.

I’ve seen our government bully other countries, for short term financial gain, with an arrogant foreign policy that shows complete indifference to human life.

I’ve seen the president and his top lieutenants commit criminal acts and warcrimes, and no one does anything to stop him.

But now we are the oppressors. And the holocaust has happened again.

So many civilians have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan that we don’t even bother to count! The best guess we have is that 100,000 or more innocent civilians were killed by indiscriminate bombing in a war started for no reason.

Don’t you dare tell me that I’ve crossed the line. Don’t you dare tell me that my diary is bullshit or in poor taste. Don’t you dare tell me that I should stop being offensive, take a day off, wait for people to stop being sad. I have been quiet, and too many of us have been quiet for too long, and now it might be too late.

England invaded a country for no reason. They knowingly murdered innocents, and aided the U.S. in murdering innocents, for no reason. They were AND STILL ARE active conspirators in propagating a huge lie on the British and American people, that the war is justified and worth it.

What happened on September 11th and in England today is horrible. The people who did it should be brought to justice.

However, what happens in Iraq every day is horrible, and the people who brought that horror on the world should be brought to justice. The world has been waiting for them to be brought to justice for over three years, and it hasn’t happened. Not only that, no one is even paying attention.

We have militarily engaged a nation, and arguably a race of people, who do not have a military with which to fight back. What do you expect them to do, throw spitballs? They believe that they have a right to self defense, and they are exercising the only means of persuasion they have on a world that is not interested in their problems.

The people of England who died did nothing to deserve this. They are people who go to work to make an honest living, have families and kids, and want to live their lives and be left alone. Their government has a duty to protect them, and their government has not only failed in that duty, but played an active role in harming them.

Perhaps I should have made this point more clear.


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