This is to all the kiddies in my math class who think high-school-level math is hard and tests of any kind are unfair. Go fuck yourselves.
When I went to college the first time, I didn't do my homework, didn't show up for classes, and never studied. I got C's and F's. After I got my grades, I had a choice to make. I could either straighten up and start acting like a good student, or drop out. I chose to drop out.
Kids at my community college have no such choice to make. The teachers treat the kids like customers who must be pleased at all costs. They get a passing grade just for registering and get a B just for showing up for class. Putting in even a little effort is considered a big deal and makes you an overachiever. And people wonder why every America is one of the stupidest countries on the planet.
When I went to college the first time, I didn't do my homework, didn't show up for classes, and never studied. I got C's and F's. After I got my grades, I had a choice to make. I could either straighten up and start acting like a good student, or drop out. I chose to drop out.
Kids at my community college have no such choice to make. The teachers treat the kids like customers who must be pleased at all costs. They get a passing grade just for registering and get a B just for showing up for class. Putting in even a little effort is considered a big deal and makes you an overachiever. And people wonder why every America is one of the stupidest countries on the planet.