Bush says stuff, media claps and cheers and begs for more

Why does shit like this get any play in the news media?
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush called Wednesday for an end to violence triggered by drawings of the Prophet Mohammed but also said press freedom should be exercised with sensitivity.
You mean Bush can just get on TV and tell the world to do stuff and they'll, like, magically do whatever he says? If it's so easy then why doesn't he call for the freedom fighters in Iraq to surrender to their new rulers? Why doesn't he call on China to stop taking our precious oil? Why not call on congress to stop investigating him?
Of course to anyone who's capable of rational thought, we know that when Bush says these things, he's not talking to "the world", but to his small base of lunatic supporters. The rest of the world doesn't listen to Bush because he has no credibility, and thus America has no credibility.
When he threatens military action against countries like, say, Iran, people laugh because we have no authority anymore. None. This crap is purely for "domestic consumption" of the moron-Americans who continue to prop up this neo-nazi regime.
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