Today I read an article in the San Francisco Chronicle about some shrill loudmouthed no-nothing sky-is-falling asshole, Corine Fanene, saying that kids dancing at a school dance is an "orgy":

Oh my god, call the junior anti-sex league! The clothed backside of a male has come into indirect contact with the frontside of a clothed female! Surely the entire fabric of society is about to come UNDONE!
The television trucks were lined up four deep at Foothill High School on Wednesday night for the announcement that the school is banning sexually suggestive "freak dancing." And no wonder. It was a story made for headlines: "School Forbids Sex-Crazed Dancing."
Not that the passion shown by those who did attend wasn't real. Corine Fanene, the single parent who accidentally set off the whole fuss, says she was shocked by the behavior she witnessed at a Dec. 16 school dance. Girls, she said, were rubbing the backs of their skimpy dresses into the crotches of the boys they were dancing with. "It almost looked like an orgy," she says. "Really."
Definition of orgy:
A large, and often lavish, gathering of people for the purpose of having group sex.
So let me get this straight. At a school dance in Pleasanton, monitored by staff, there was a large gathering of kids having group sex. Yes sir, group sex in a school. And obviously Corine Fanene would know what an orgy looks like.
What actually happened, contrary to this stupid wingnut moron and the people that feign outrage about it, was that kids were dancing. That's it. Please shut the fuck up about it and go back to your sex-free disney channel home filled with gumdrops and candycanes and pictures of santa claus and the tooth fairy and run-on sentences. Jesus god what the hell is wrong with people!
Here is an example of what so-called "freak dancing" may look like-
Oh my god, call the junior anti-sex league! The clothed backside of a male has come into indirect contact with the frontside of a clothed female! Surely the entire fabric of society is about to come UNDONE!
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