Amurika's Greatest Blog

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Evidence

I just watched the pilot episode of The Evidence, A lame cop show that supposedly takes place in San Francisco. After watching the show, I've learned the following things:

  • The Trans-America building is the only noteworthy building in San Francisco. If we don't see images of the Trans-America building every five minutes, the audience will forget that the show is filmed in San Francisco.

  • Detectives in San Francisco are actually called "inspectors"

  • Inspectors spend less than half of their time actually investigating crime. The rest of the time they spend having flashbacks, buying rings, and flirting with female police.

  • The audience of cop-shows are very stupid, and can't figure anything out without being specifically told.

  • Inspectors spend all of their investigation time in tourist spots that everyone recognizes, such as Castro St, the Embarcadero, and Chinatown.

  • A police inspector makes over a million dollars a year, since that's what it would cost to have a house in San Francisco with a front lawn.

  • Red's Javahouse, the place where I park my car, is actually a big cop-hangout and not a sleezy dive that no one would ever go to.

  • Slashing someone with a hunting knife can take your finger off.

  • When two Inspectors are executing an arrest warrent on a murder suspect, they don't go in with ANY backup, and they don't bother to cover the back exits. They also knock and give the suspect plenty of time to escape through the back exit which they didn't think to cover.

After spending many years watching high calibar police-drama's such as NYPD Blue, Law and Order, and The Shield, I have to say that this is one of the dullest and most unrealistic shows I've ever seen. I realize that all TV shows have an element of fantasy, but come on, do they think we're really that stupid?

This show has no likeable characters, every main character is one-dimensional and emotionless, and the audience doesn't have to do any thinking at all. Boring!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Things I don't understand

I was getting a burrito this morning and a [vegan?] lady ordered a decaffe soy latte. Now what the fuck is the point of that?

I can understand ordering a decaffe latte because you like the taste of a latte but don't want the caffeine. I can understand ordering a soy caffinated latte because you want caffeine but don't want to drink milk. But what the hell is a decaffe soy latte? You don't want caffeine but you want a drink that tastes like hot cat shit?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The shame of America

This is what the United States of America does:

New evidence has emerged that US forces in Afghanistan engaged in widespread Abu Ghraib-style abuse, taking "trophy photographs" of detainees and carrying out rape and sexual humiliation.

Documents obtained by the Guardian contain evidence that such abuses took place in the main detention centre at Bagram, near the capital Kabul, as well as at a smaller US installation near the southern city of Kandahar.

The documents also indicate that US soldiers covered up abuse in Afghanistan and in Iraq - even after the Abu Ghraib scandal last year.


In the dossier, the Iraqi detainee claims that three US interrogators in civilian clothing dislocated his arms, stuck an unloaded gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, choked him with a rope until he lost consciousness, and beat him with a baseball bat.

"After they tied me up in the chair, then they dislocate my both arms. He asked to admit before I kill you then he beat again and again," the prisoner says in his statement. "He asked me: Are you going to report me? You have no evidence. Then he hit me very hard on my nose, and then he stepped on my nose until he broken and I started bleeding."


In sworn affidavits to a British-American human rights lawyer, a Palestinian says he was sodomised by American soldiers in Afghanistan. Another former prisoner of US forces, a Jordanian, describes a form of torture which involved being hung in a cage from a rope for days.

Both men were freed from US detention last year after being held in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay. Neither has been charged by any government with any offence.

Hussain Adbulkadr Youssouf Mustafa, a Palestinian living in Jordan, told the lawyer, Clive Stafford-Smith, that he was sodomised by US soldiers during his detention at Bagram air force base in 2002.

He claims to have been blindfolded, tightly handcuffed, gagged and had his ears plugged, forced to bend down over a table by two soldiers, with a third soldier pressing his face down on the table, and to have had his trousers pulled down.

"They forcibly rammed a stick up my rectum," he reports. "It was excruciatingly painful ... Only when the pain became overwhelming did I think I would ever scream. But I could not stop screaming when this happened."

In a second affidavit, the Jordanian citizen, Wesam Abdulrahman Ahmed Al Deemawi, detained from March 15 2002 to March 31 2004, says that during a 40-day period of detention at Bagram he was threatened with dogs, stripped and photographed "in shameful and obscene positions" and placed in a cage with a hook and a hanging rope. He says he was hung from this hook, blindfolded, for two days although he was occasionally given hour-long "breaks".

This is what America does, we torture and we kill innocent people for no reason. Every time we pay taxes, we pay to keep this torture machine going. Our income taxes, sales taxes, business taxes are all paying for torture, paying for murder.

It makes me ashamed and embaressed to be an American. America tortures. America rapes. America murders. I hate what America has become, I hate it, and I want to leave.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Stupid policy statements


"It could be a great year for Democrats," said Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.), but the party must present a more moderate face and distinguish itself more clearly from the GOP on issues such as ethics. "The comment I hear is 'I'd really like to vote for you guys, but I can't stand the folks I see on TV,' " Cooper said in a telephone interview from Nashville.

Hey inept moron, stop telling people what Democrats should be doing, and start doing it. Holy fuck, do we need to wipe his ass for him too? Stop saying we need to distinguish, and start DISTINGUISHING. Holy shit I'm so sick of this kind of stupid bluster and hee-hawing.

Stop saying what we need to do, and start god damn doing it! We've as good as lost the 2006 election and the campaign hasn't even started yet.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The lights are on but nobody's home

Can you say DUMB BASTARD?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Most U.S. troops in Iraq support withdrawal

Most U.S. troops in Iraq support withdrawal

WASHINGTON - Nearly three out of four American troops serving in Iraq think U.S. forces should withdraw within a year, and more than one in four say the United States should leave immediately, according to a new poll published Tuesday.

That's nice, but who the hell cares what our troops think? Their purpose is to follow orders, not have an opinion. If they do have an opinion, they can keep it to themselves, because their opinion doesn't matter, it counts for nothing.

David Segal, a military sociologist at the University of Maryland, said that while most service members were more conservative than society as a whole, it wasn't surprising to see them reflect attitudes similar to civilians, who increasingly oppose the war.

Those views aren't necessarily an indication that troops are losing faith in the war, Segal said.

"One could argue that troops are saying, `Hey, we've accomplished a great deal. It's time to get out,' which is what you hear a lot of people in Washington saying," he said.

Wew, that fascist nazi just said a mouthful. Where do I start?

First off, we're not at war. Duh. WE ARE NOT AT WAR. We can't win or lose a war that we're not in. That plain simple fact negates most of what this Bushist has to say.

Also, what did we accomplish? Is killing innocent people an accomplishment? Is creating a civil war an accomplishment? Is destroying a sovereign country for no reason an accomplishment? I would like to see a list of our so-called accomplishments. Of course you'll never see such a list, because we would need to actually accomplish something for there to be a list.

A different nazi jackass chimes in:

"The poll's findings certainly aren't reflective of the attitudes we see displayed by the majority of troops, who are performing in a remarkable manner in a combat situation far from home," said Lt. Col. Barry Venable, a Pentagon spokesman.

Yah um, yes they are actually. Three-quarters is certainly a majority, is it not? That's a little trick I call math. Also, which part of what our troops are doing is remarkable? Is it the way we torture innocent people? Or is it the way we indiscriminately bomb civilians? Is it the last few weddings we blew up or the entire cities that we destroyed? Is it the way we use chemical weapons like white phosphorus? What?

85 percent of those surveyed believed that the war was "to retaliate for Saddam's role in the 9-11 attacks," although the 9-11 commission in 2004 found "no credible evidence" that Iraq had cooperated with al-Qaida in the attacks.

Wow that's scarey as all fuck, isn't it? Who told the troops that Saddam had anything to do with September 11th, when everyone in the world knows that he didn't? Oh yah, our government did. Nice work.