Fake Lawyering
The whole getting-hit-by-a-car thing left me with an interesting question which I posed to the cop, am I legally allowed to ride my scooter to work, and if so, do I go on the sidewalk, bikelane, or make full use of the driving lane?
In short, he had no idea. He got out the vehicle code book and told me that there are too many conflicting rules and he'd have to get back to me.
I went to the DMV website and this is what it says:
In short, he had no idea. He got out the vehicle code book and told me that there are too many conflicting rules and he'd have to get back to me.
I went to the DMV website and this is what it says:
VC 21235.The operator of a motorized scooter shall not do any of the following:
(b) Operate a motorized scooter on a highway with a speed limit in excess of 25 miles per hour unless the motorized scooter is operated within a class II bicycle lane.
I called the city traffic engineer, and he told me that the road I take to work does have a class II bicycle lane. So scarey as it may be, I am legally allowed to ride my scooter to work.
Just an interesting bit of info for anyone else who is thinking of getting an electric scooter in California.
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