Amurika's Greatest Blog

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A little common sense

I'm bored at work so I decided to read some of the moronic bullshit that rightwing Senator Joe Lieberman puts on his website. I was reading his congratulatory puff-piece on Bush's state of the union speech. None of it is worth reading because Joe Lieberman is nothing more than a sycophantic right-wing lunatic. But this part is interesting:

We remain a nation at war - at war in Iraq and also at war with Islamist terrorism around the world and it was important for the President to discuss it with the nation tonight. Now we must look to the details of his forthcoming budget to see how well funded his plans are for achieving progress and victory in the years ahead.

Here are some points to consider-
  • We are not at war with anyone. No one is at war with us. The Constitution plainly says that only Congress can declare war, see Article 1 of the Constitution. They did not declare war, thus we are not at war. That's a little trick I call logic.

  • If we really are at war in Iraq, who are we at war with? We invaded and occupied Iraq, does that mean we're at war with ourselves?

  • How can you be at war with terrorism? Terrorism is a method, not a person or a state. You can not be at war with a method or an activity.

  • Although it is universally accepted as fact, there is no evidence whatsoever that Al-Qaida attacked us on September 11th. None. Nada. Zip. The only reason we think that Al-Qaida attacked us is because George Bush said so, but we know Bush is a pathological liar who has never spoke a word of truth in his entire life.

  • How do you declare victory on a budget? This is very strange Orwellian language.


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