Amurika's Greatest Blog

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


This just posted by the Associated Asshole newswire-

(02-08) 18:19 PST WASHINGTON, (AP) --

At least eight senators were among 200 people being held in a Capitol parking garage Wednesday night after a security sensor indicated the presence of a nerve agent in their office building. A later test proved negative.

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT. Sure. Yah I believe that. Every time the news media starts to report bad news for the White House, there's news of terrorism. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

The alert level changes. A second in command in Al-Qaida is arrested (we now have over 7,000 Al-Qaida second in commands). A city is under threat of attack that never happens. A fake terrorist plot is pretended to be thwarted.

What's in the news this week? Chief Torturer Abu Gonzales testifies in a senate hearing where he repeatedly refuses to answer any questions at all about George Bush's illegal wiretapping of American citizens (such as me). Then, right on cue, we have a fake terrorist threat on the capital.

Just how stupid do they think we are? Well since we re-elected this bastard, I guess they already know the answer. We are highly fucking stupid. All that's left is to put a little scare into the senators that are calling for investigations. Trust us or you'll all be killed by the terrorists they say. Look a nerve agent! It doesn't really exist but hey we're going to scare you anyway.

The nazi bastards in the Bush crime family will stoop to any level to keep their entrenched hold on power, what little they have left. Anyone that threatens their regime is reminded that they can be killed at any time.

For the nazi Bushists, terrorism is the gift that keeps on giving. Whenever they need to change the narritive or keep the rubes (all of us) in line, they just dip into that reliable terrorism well that never dries up, and it's never failed them. Never, so long as our incompetant, whorish, and traitorish newsmedia go along blindly, just as they ALWAYS do.


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