Bush's Job Approval Stuck Near Bottom

From the Associated Pissants
President Bush's marks on overall job approval and for handling the economy are mired near their lowest levels despite a spike in consumer confidence over the past month, an AP-Ipsos poll found.
Bush's job approval is now at 40 percent and his approval on handling the economy at 39 percent. Those numbers haven't budged over the last month even with the public's confidence in the economy growing and the president delivering an upbeat State of the Union address.
I guess that's sorta good news. Only 40% of our country are fascist nazi bastards who deserve to be deported to China.
What's all this huffy-huff about a "spike in consumer confidence"? Is any sane American confident about ANYTHING AT ALL, much less the economy, which is still stuck in the Bush depression?
Over the past five years that the disaster monkey has been occupying the White House, personal income has fallen every year, jobs have been LOST every year, wealth has been shifted away from the poor and middle class and up to the top 1% of the country's wealthy elitist class.
Well paying jobs have been eliminated or outsourced overseas and been replaced by nothing at all or low-paying service/retail jobs.
Since the Great Depression, no other president who served at least 52 months has overseen a net loss in private sector jobs through this point. In addition to lack of job growth, real weekly and hourly wages have declined since the start of the recession. At a time when middle-class Americans are experiencing stagnant wages and vanishing benefits, CEO pay continues to rise.
Source: Center for American Progress, Economic Policy Weekly, Jenna Churchman, June 6, 2005
Americans are being suffocated by crushing debt that will never ever go away. Personal debt is at an all time high, which matches the federal government's debt which is also at record highs.
But you know it's all worth it to pay for everlasting war, welfare for greedy corporations, and giveaways to the ultra-mega-rich.
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