Amurika's Greatest Blog

Thursday, February 09, 2006

My Fucked Company

The company I've been working for during the past 2 months kept a few secrets from me during the interview process. After I was hired, I was told that the company is in bankruptcy, and looking for a buyer. Great, just what I need.

In 2005 I worked for six different companies. I stayed at any given company an average of two months. Every time I find a company that I can tolerate, they go out of business. For example,, Grand Central, and now this company.

In every case, during the interview they hide the fact that their company is in trouble and tell me whatever I need to hear to get me hired. This makes no sense, as a company that's about to go under should not be hiring in the first place.

I predict that within the next six months, probably much sooner, my currently company will be bought. I predict that 80% of the staff, including myself, will be laid off. I predict there will be no severance, or maybe a very small sevarance like two weeks.


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