What's in the news today?
Four Dallas Police Officers Shot
(02-16) 07:53 PST DALLAS (AP) --
Four police officers were shot Thursday as they tried to serve a federal drug warrant on a home in southwest Dallas.
Wow, I'm glad to hear that Dallas has so little actual crime that they can focus all their time on winning the war on drugs. We've been fighting that awesome drug war for like 50 years now, right? So by now we must be winning, right? How long do you suppose it will be before there's no more drugs? Another 50 or 100 years?
Aren't there more illegal drugs available now than there ever were in the history of the country? Aren't they more readily accessible than any time in history? Don't a higher percentage of people claim to have used illegal drugs than any other time in history? Oh there I go again using facts and logic. I really ought to stop thinking for myself.
More sort-of news-
House panel rips administration on Katrina response
"If this is what happens when we have advance warning," the special House committee said on Page 18 of its 530-page report about Katrina, "we shudder to imagine the consequences when we do not. Four and a half years after 9/11, America is still not ready for prime time."
Um, didn't we have advanced warning of the 9/11 attack? Something about Osama Bin Laden being determined to strike in US, a month before he striked in the US?
Also what's this shit about prime time? Is it supposed to be funny to compare this criminal corrupt regime to Saturday Night Live? Ha ha ha?